OT Month Round Up

Wowwweeeee! Are we really in the month of May? 2022 has both flown by and dragged out. I cannot be the only one who is feeling that way! And where is this comfortable Midwest spring I was promised?! While my beloved Scottsdale has been consistently sunny and in the 90s, Milwaukee cannot seem to make up its mind: one day it’s 70s and the windows are down, and the next it’s 40s while the wind off the lake is chilling me to my bones. I spent this last week so sick that I could barely leave my bed — let alone my house — and I blame this on two factors: the inconsistent weather, and the unending stress of the end of the semester. It’s really a no win situation right now, but I am choosing to focus on the positive: two weeks left in the semester, no final exams, and Baer starts full time school (3K!) in June. Yeah!  

Coming off of another fantastic Occupational Therapy Month, complete with another successful year of the #abcsofot, I’m riding high! I take no credit for the creation or implementation of this fantastic idea (all the praise to @shannenmarie_ot!), but I do take credit for the fact that I posted every single day for an entire month. It’s really hard! And not to toot my own horn, but I do think I make some completely relatable (and funny) OT related reels, which can be kind of mentally taxing! So if I am less than 100% the next week or so, know that my brain is temporarily resting (or otherwise focused on attempting to get straight A’s in my classes — here’s hoping). I should be back to 100% in the next 7-10 days!

I hope that your April was productive and successful, that your May is warm and happy, and that you are able to find some levity in whatever situation you find yourself in. And if you need some humor, I recommend viewing some hilarious reels on my IG! Have a wonderful week!


So You Have to Work A Holiday…


Why Occupational Therapy?